Analysis — Bhopal tragedy: neither a sabotage nor a routine maintenance operation gone wrong

I recently came across a news article on the disproportionately devastating impact of COVID19 pandemic on the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy.1 This news motivated me to revisit and learn more about the event that happened over 35 years ago. The Bhopal gas leak tragedy is the world’s worst industrial disaster. Methyl iscocyanate (MIC),… Continue reading Analysis — Bhopal tragedy: neither a sabotage nor a routine maintenance operation gone wrong

What is next – The future of research.

Every year, from 2010 onward, Redmonk publishes a bi-annual comparison of the popularity of programming languages relative to one another using data from GitHub and Stack Overflow. One list is compiled for the summer and another one for the spring. Among top 15 programming languages in the spring 2016 list, only one exclusively scientific and statistical programming language is… Continue reading What is next – The future of research.