Every year, from 2010 onward, Redmonk publishes a bi-annual comparison of the popularity of programming languages relative to one another using data from GitHub and Stack Overflow. One list is compiled for the summer and another one for the spring. Among top 15 programming languages in the spring 2016 list, only one exclusively scientific and statistical programming language is… Continue reading What is next – The future of research.
Tag: Open source
Writing better code – Parallelize
Today, I am going to share a secret recipe for writing beautiful and efficient code that I learned, while creating simulation models for nanoveda. Nanoveda is using advanced nanoscale simulations to design next generation cancer therapeutics. The secret recipe is: parallelizing code. Most modern PCs have a multicore processor inside it. We seldom code to exploit all… Continue reading Writing better code – Parallelize
Innovation at its core – Making nanoscience accessible.
In this blog post, I will detail two key philosophies that are behind nanoveda. LEAP philosophy: Most important guiding philosophy of nanoveda is very simple: bringing nano-science to masses. The first product we are developing is to address one of the toughest challenges known to human-kind: controlling and curing cancer. Achieving this goal is a step-wise process. My four steps… Continue reading Innovation at its core – Making nanoscience accessible.