These are my installation notes for OpenCV in Ubuntu 17.04 linux for python3. These notes will help start a computer vision project from scratch. OpenCV is one of the most widely used libraries for image recognition tasks. The first step is to fire-up the linux terminal and type in the following lines of commands. These first… Continue reading Installation notes – OpenCV in Python 3 and Ubuntu 17.04.
Tag: Artificial Intelligence
Writing better code – Parallelize
Today, I am going to share a secret recipe for writing beautiful and efficient code that I learned, while creating simulation models for nanoveda. Nanoveda is using advanced nanoscale simulations to design next generation cancer therapeutics. The secret recipe is: parallelizing code. Most modern PCs have a multicore processor inside it. We seldom code to exploit all… Continue reading Writing better code – Parallelize
Welcome to my blog – Life notes.
For 2017, my new year resolution is to organize and share my thoughts on my website. I have added this blog, to share my ideas and my life being a doctor, neuroscientist, researcher in applied artificial intelligence and my hobbies in PC gaming & green living. Join me in this journey.